05 3 v 1 1 9 M ar 1 99 2 Combinatorial and topological phase structure of non - perturbative n - dimensional quantum gravity
We provide a non-perturbative geometrical characterization of the partition function of n-dimensional quantum gravity based on a coarse classification of riemannian geometries. We show that, under natural geometrical constraints, the theory admits a continuum limit with a non-trivial phase structure parametrized by the homotopy types of the class of manifolds considered. The results obtained qualitatively coincide, when specialized to dimension two, with those of two-dimensional quantum gravity models based on random triangulations of surfaces.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : h ep - t h / 93 11 05 4 v 1 9 N ov 1 99 3 Preprint - KUL - TF - 93 / 47 hep - th / 9311054 November 1993
A topological gravity is obtained by twisting the effective (2, 0) supergravity. We show that this topological gravity has an infinite number of BRST invariant quantities with conformal weight 0. They are a tower of OSp(2, 2) multiplets and satisfy the classical exchange algebra of OSp(2, 2). We argue that these BRST invariant quantities become physical operators in the quantum theory and their...
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